Tuesday 12 June 2012

Our first night at Ringsfield Hall we were up for hours trying to get to sleep with lots of speaking around us, 4\5 hours later we were woken up by a loud SOUR CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After that we went out for free time. We played a massive football match in which everybody got muddy.

Breakfast was scrumptious there was toast, cereal and yogurt. After breakfast we split into two different groups. During the time we spent with Mark/Holly we made dens and whittled marshmallow sticks for the massive campfire on Thursday. Then we made sandwiches for our lunch. After that we had lots free time. Following that we were called into our groups to light fires. Whilst some people were lighting fires others were sketching one animal, one building and one plant.

By Ewan and Cameron

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