Wednesday 13 June 2012

Today at Africa Alive we did some amazing things! When we went to the education centre we saw some incredibly interesting animals! We saw a Rat who was a lovely mini rat called Tahla, we saw a tortoise called Barney who was sooooo cute and beautiful. But he was as slow as an insect! After that we met a Royal Pythan called Dee!

Throughout the day everyone had a nice time, going round the zoo in groups, seeing all the animals. Here are some of the animals we saw at Africa Alive: Zebra, Sheep, Hyaena, Flamingos, Lions, Ostriches, Snakes and many more carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

The BEST thing about the day was seeing those exotic and interesting animals. We hope all the yr4’s enjoy there trip next year.

By Eugene and Finn

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